Tag Archive: temporary car insurance

  1. How do I Drive a New Car Home?

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    Buying a car is supposed to be fun. You want to think about your options, the colour choices, or even just getting out on the road. However, it isn’t always as simple as you would like it to be.

    When you buy a new car, you want to get it home as quickly as you can. However, you can’t just drive the car home. There are things you need to have, and things you need to do.

    What do I need to do to drive a new car home?

    When you buy a new car, it isn’t as simple as paying the seller and driving off with your new car. There are certain things that you need to do before the car is legally yours and suitable to drive.

    Transfer the Ownership

    The ownership of cars is expressed through the V5C form. This document proves who legally owns a car. If you want to buy a car, you need to update this document. If you are buying from a dealership, this will be something you do in the office. However, if you are buying from a private seller, you need to make sure that you do organise this yourself.

    At the bottom of the V5C form, there is a section called V5C/2 – ‘New Keepers Details’. You need to fill this section out yourself, and keep it until you receive the new logbook in the post.

    Make sure that the name and address of the owner match up. If they do not, then the previous transfers of ownership might not have not been done properly.

    Tax the Vehicle

    You need to tax the vehicle you have bought. This is as important as registering it under your ownership. If you are buying a car from a dealership, they may take care of this for you. If you are buying from a private seller, you will need to tax the vehicle yourself before you can drive it away.

    You need to register for tax, even if the car itself is exempt from road tax. This is to register you as the appropriate person – you won’t actually be charged.

    Insure the Vehicle

    You need to insure the vehicle to be able to drive it. Insurance is a legal requirement for all vehicles. Even if you are only driving a few miles back home with your new car, you need to insure it to be able to drive it at all.

    What do I need to have?

    The V5C

    You need to be in possession of the logbook or V5C. The current owner / seller should have the logbook if they are selling the car. It is possible to apply for a replacement V5C if you lose the existing logbook. When you buy the car, you should take the lower part of the form as a temporary logbook.

    What sort of insurance do I need?

    You need to have insurance in order to drive any vehicle. This leads to many people buying the wrong type of insurance for them because they are so keen to have any type of insurance.

    However, there are a great many variables that go into insurance. Some of these are:

    • Length of insurance policy
    • Cover
    • Voluntary Excess
    • Optional Extras


    Is one day insurance right for me?

    Not everyone needs a traditional insurance policy. They are complicated, and feature a great many variables. This can often lead to people buying the wrong insurance for them. With temporary car insurance, you can get a cheap, simple insurance policy that allows you to drive the car away legally. Using short term car insurance, you can then decide on the right longer term insurance policy for you when the car is safely in your possession.


    Get a temporary insurance quote today.

  2. Is car sharing right for me?

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    Car ownership is becoming increasingly expensive, which has resulted in fewer cars being bought. A knock-on effect of this is an increase in the popularity of car-sharing and a lot more car-sharing companies being established.

    In this article, we will look more at car sharing and how it works. Plus the types of car-sharing services available.

    What is Car Sharing?

    Car sharing – also called a car club in the UK – is a type of car rental service where people rent cars for only a few hours at a time. It differs from traditional car rentals, as oftentimes, the cars are owned privately, while the car-sharing company is a separate entity. It is similar to Airbnb, but with cars and not accommodation.

    Car sharing allows those with a valid driver’s license to access different vehicle brands and use them for short periods of time. These car clubs often depend on smartphone applications which allow users to find cars, meet up with the car’s owner, and exchange the keys.

    Car owners must ensure they have the right vehicle insurance before getting involved with car-sharing services. Some types of insurance to consider include:

    Difference Between a Car Rental Company and a Car-Sharing Service

    Although car-sharing is a car rental service, it differs in several ways.

    • Car sharing allows you to rent a car for only a few hours at a time, and you pay for the time you had the car as well as how many miles you have driven.
    • Car sharing allows you to access a car at any time of the day – not only during company business hours.
    • You will probably save more money when using a car-sharing service than when compared to a traditional car rental company.

    How Does Car Sharing Work?

    Car sharing is a straightforward process.

    Firstly, you must find out if car-sharing services are available in your city. You can do this through a quick online search. You can join a car service application from your phone or a website offering this service.

    Once you have signed up and registered, you will be able to find and reserve your preferred car. Most services offer a membership card which can be used to unlock the preferred vehicle.

    Most cars offered through these services are located at parking spot pick-up points throughout the city. You will be able to locate the car through the app. Once you arrive at the location, you simply wave your membership card to unlock the vehicle.

    When you are done with the car, you return it to the same parking spot.

    Different Types of Car Sharing

    There are five models that car-sharing companies generally use:

    1) Round-trip car sharing

    Drivers begin and end their trip at the same place and leave the car in the same parking spot where they found it. This model requires drivers to pay by the hour, mile, or both.

    2) One-way car sharing

    This allows drivers to begin their trip at one place and end at another by leaving the car at a designated parking location.

    3) Corporate car sharing

    This enables the company to share vehicles between employees who require a vehicle that day. One corporate shared car can replace eight non-shared cars.

    4) Peer-to-peer car sharing

    This refers to personal car sharing, where the cars are privately owned, but the leasing system runs through a third-party car-sharing company.

    5) Fractional ownership

    Fractional car ownership allows multiple people to co-own a car, sharing costs, maintenance and use. This is a handy model in areas with plenty of public transportation, where cars are not a necessity.

    The Pros and Cons of Car Sharing

    Car sharing pros

    There are plenty of benefits to joining a car-sharing company.

    1) Affordable

    Car ownership is expensive, so joining a car-sharing service will help you save money on maintenance and insurance. Car sharing is a cost-effective solution to renting different car models as and when needed.

    Membership fees for these services are often very low, making it an affordable alternative to car rental or ownership.

    2) Environmentally-friendly

    Getting involved with car-sharing will reduce your carbon footprint and emissions significantly. If more people sign up for car-sharing services, there will be fewer vehicles on the road, less traffic, fewer parking spots, more green areas, and a reduction in harmful greenhouse gases.

    3) Stress-free

    City dwellers can attest to the stress of owning a car in a bustling neighbourhood. There are limited parking spaces, and often you have to either pay a lot for prime parking or walk far to get to your car (a real hassle if you are carrying anything or have children).

    Car-sharing takes away the stress of owning a vehicle. You can simply book a car, drive at short notice, and select the perfect car to suit your needs.

    You can find a car with more cargo space for your weekend away, a small compact car to quickly zip between boroughs or a night on the town.

    4) Freedom to explore

    Members of a car-sharing service will have the option to drive where they want when they want. People in densely populated areas that depend on public transport often have to plan trips around transportation timetables and routes. Having a car for a few hours or days will allow you to explore different areas at times that suit you the best.

    Car sharing cons

    Despite all the benefits of car sharing, there are some drawbacks.

    1) Surge in prices at peak hours

    During rush hours there will be increased prices, as more people want a car during those times. If the demand is higher, so is the cost.

    2) Not finding the car you want

    If car-sharing is still new to your city, you may not want to find the right car as it will be in demand or is not yet available to rent.

    3) Limits on your milage

    Some car-sharing companies cap how far you can drive, making it less ideal for longer getaways. You will have to consider a conventional rental company if that is the case.


    How do ride-sharing and car-sharing compare?

    Ride-sharing services, like Bolt, Uber or Lift, use pre-approved drivers to transport passengers to their desired destinations.

    Car sharing allows drivers to rent a privately owned car and drive it themselves.

    What insurance should I get if I want to do car sharing?

    According to the Association of British Insurers, car-sharing will not affect the car insurance of members, as long as there is no profit.

    It is best to check with your insurance company to make sure your personal policy will cover car sharing.

    Is car sharing more environmentally friendly than owning a car?

    Car sharing is definitely more environmentally-friendly than owning a car. A shared car will replace between six to 20 cars on the road, significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    Several car models are also available for car sharing, including hybrid and electric vehicles, which are much more efficient and green than petrol or diesel vehicles. Car-sharing vehicles are mostly newer cars with clean, green technologies. These cars tend to have excellent fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

    If you own a car, you will drive it for convenience, and since you paid for it already, you won’t give it a second thought.

    Car sharing forces people to reconsider their need for driving, especially when it comes to driving short distances or taking individual trips. If you have a car, you are bound to quickly pop into the car and head to the shops without a second thought.

    If you are a member of a car-sharing company, you probably will reconsider the short drive – perhaps you can walk, cycle or take public transport. Driving less means fewer greenhouse gases are emitted.

    Final Thoughts

    Due to urbanisation, more and more people are moving to the city in search of work opportunities and security. Large cities mostly have public transport systems in place, and developed nations are moving towards improving the walkability and cyclability of cities by introducing dedicated walking or cycling lanes.

    On top of all this is the increase in the popularity of car sharing. When no public transport is available, car-sharing offers an excellent alternative to costly car ownership or even traditional car rental.

    It is without a doubt that car-sharing services are here to stay, especially in large cities where many people only require cars for a few hours or days at a time.

  3. What is the cost of one day car insurance?

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    The average cost of annual comprehensive insurance (as at the end of 2020) was £468, according to the Association of British Insurers. That’s a lot of money to be spending if you only drive infrequently and of course, there are all the other associated costs that go with owning a car, such as costly repairs, servicing and road tax.


    So, if you only drive a car occasionally, what’s the point of owning one? It could make far more sense to come to a sharing arrangement with a friend or family member. You could perhaps chip in towards fuel and servicing costs or help out with driving if necessary, in return for occasion loan of the vehicle.  This is a view held by growing numbers of people who want to both save money and help the environment and as part of the sharing economy, it’s a concept that’s really gaining traction.


    It’s so easy

    Borrowing a car, as and when you need it, is rapidly taking off and the great news is that you can drive safe in the confidence there’s fully comprehensive insurance in place. You simply buy the cover online before you pick the car up and based on how long you have the car for.


    Cover from GoShorty cover offers full protection and this means the car owner’s own comprehensive policy is unaffected, as is their no claims bonus. So how much could you expect to pay?


    There are all sorts of factors that affect the cost of car insurance – both annual and short-term – and that includes the drivers’ age and experience, the value of the car and where you live. It’s not possible to give a one-size-fits-all price as each quote is individually tailored to you. The process is super-fast and you’ll be fully covered in just a couple of minutes.


    But as an example, you could find that fully comprehensive cover costs around £40 for a full day, making it an easy cost to budget for.


    All kinds of reasons to car share

    This could be a perfect solution if you want to spend the day at the beach, drop someone off at university, or help someone move belongings to a new home, for example.

    Of course, you may not need cover for a whole day. If you were just test driving a car that is being privately sold, you can buy short term car insurance for as little as an hour, and here, the cost could be around £7 or less. Perhaps you’re borrowing a car to do the weekly food shop or you need it to go and pick up an item of furniture? In this case you might need a car for around three to four hours.


    You’re in control and being able to take out temporary car insurance ‘on demand’ is the way the market is moving. Fewer of us want to be burdened with car ownership, so if you want to move with the times, then one day car insurance can make this a reality.


    Get a temporary insurance quote today for one day car insurance with GoShorty

  4. How to plan driving home for Christmas

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    Christmas is coming and family members who are currently away will be feeling the call to return home. Perhaps you’re away at university or maybe working in another part of the country? No matter what the circumstances, this is the one time of year when being together really matters.


    Although the roads are often exceptionally busy, for many of us, there are clear advantages to driving. You may need to bring luggage and perhaps have lots of presents to transport too. It can be a lot easier if you have your own wheels – or, as is increasingly happening, can borrow someone else’s. If a friend, for example, will not be using their car, then they may lend it to you to drive home and you can ensure it is fully covered with GoShorty.


    GoShorty makes it incredibly easy to buy online, providing fully comprehensive short term car insurance in minutes. You can take out insurance from an hour right up to 28 days, which should be more than enough for your Christmas family break. Drivers aged from 18 to 75 are eligible and you can insure a car with a value of up to £60,000 as well as protecting the owner’s No Claims Discount.


    So, the transport and the insurance are sorted, now all you have to do is plan for the journey. These are some of the best ways to go about it.


    Plan the route

    It may be a trip you’ve done before or it could be the first time, but check for any changes or possible disruptions. It can be worth having a paper route, just in case you lose signal.


    Make sure the car is serviced and perform some basic checks

    If this is a car you do not drive regularly, ask the owner to run through the controls and to confirm with you when it was last serviced – this is particularly important if it’s a longer journey. Then check the tyre tread, tyre pressure and fluids such as oil, screen wash and coolant. Check the brake lights are working well and also where the spare tyre kit is kept. Check out our more detailed post for further car maintenance tips.


    Be prepared in case you are in an accident or breakdown

    Knowing the vehicle is in good condition means that breaking down is unlikely. But, if you’re in an accident, have the necessary claims number to hand. If you already have personal breakdown cover, this will provide protection and you can even join roadside assistance organisations as required, if necessary, although the call out bill will be higher.


    If you’re travelling on motorways, be aware where service stations are and if on a smart motorway, what to do if you need to pull over. There have been a number of smart motorway accidents in recent years and the advice is to try and reach a refuge as soon as you can and then phone for help. If this is impossible, pull up as close as possible to the nearside verge/boundary or slip road, switch on hazard lights and if it is not safe to get out, call 999. Emergency services can then reroute traffic.


    Get your timing right

    If at all possible, try to leave on a day and time when you’ll avoid the crowds. If you don’t drive that much, you may prefer not to drive at night, even though the roads can be quieter. Can you leave really early in the morning instead?


    Check the weather conditions

    It does not look that likely we’ll be experiencing a white Christmas this year. But, frost and extreme rain can make roads more hazardous. Check the advice and be ready to act accordingly. In the rare event that there are warnings not to drive, you should heed these. But, if driving does appear reasonable, then be prepared to amend your route, such as through avoiding any roads that might be affected by flooding.


    Rest well before the journey and avoid alcohol

    The festive season can involve many nights out and social occasions. But if you have a long drive, potentially starting early in the morning, avoid alcohol, which could not only affect your judgement, but also potentially lead to you driving when over the limit.


    Stop and have a break every couple of hours

    Be sure to have a break and if you leave the car, that it’s left somewhere secure. Ensure piles of gifts are not clearly visible, put these in the boot or cover with blankets or coats.


    Have an emergency pack readily to hand

    This should include your torch, phone charger, food and drink as well as any medicine you need regularly, car essentials such as de-icing spray, scraper and a powerful torch.

    Plan a playlist

    Although the radio can be useful in terms of traffic updates, particularly when on the home stretch you may want to start feeling in the Christmas mood by listening to your favourites. This is when your carefully planned Christmas playlist you’ve spent time on before the journey, will come into its own.


    If you are driving home for Christmas this year and need temporary car insurance from GoShorty, get a quote today.

  5. How to plan a road trip with friends

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    Road tripping with your friends is a fantastic experience that you will remember for a long time. Road trips are great for re-establishing friendships, making memories together, and seeing your country.

    Unfortunately, road trips with friends are not as easy as simply jumping into the car and heading out. There are some steps to take to ensure you have an epic road trip to your final destination without any hiccups or conflict.

    Here are some tips to keep in mind when planning fun road trips with friends.

    Checklist Before You Depart

    Before diving in, here is a cheat sheet of what to keep in mind when undertaking the planning process for your next road trip:

    • Travel with the right people
    • Establish a budget
    • Decide on your destination and stops
    • Get the right transportation
    • Prepare the vehicle for a long car ride
    • Spread the responsibilities
    • Communicate openly
    • Design a well-rounded playlist
    • Get healthy road trip food
    • Stay safe and connected

    Consider car insurance

    A road trip with friends is fun, but you also need to be responsible. You should consider temporary car insurance for the journey, to give yourself peace of mind.

    If you are driving a standard car or SUV, take out temporary car insurance. For larger vans, you can get temporary van insurance. If your friend group includes someone who has a learner’s license, consider temporary learner driver insurance.

    1. Travel With The Right People

    You will be spending hours in the car with your friends during your road trip, so you must select the best people to join you. Even your very best friend can test your patience, so you will want to make sure you and your partners are all on the same page about the trip’s goal, destination, and budget.

    You don’t want to spend the entire trip arguing about minor inconveniences, so invite friends who have similar interests and a similar budget to you.

    2. Establish A Budget

    The most crucial step in planning your road trip with friends is determining the budget.

    The amount of money you all have available to spend will determine where you go, how long the trip lasts, which fun things you can do along the way, what car you will take, and where you will stay.

    The easiest way to discuss a budget is to have everyone over for a meeting. Talking about finances can be touchy, but good friends will understand their financial constraints and be willing to work around them and compromise their expectations.

    Splitting the fuel bill

    The most significant expense whilst on your adventure with friends will be paying for the fuel for a long road trip.

    You can either take turns filling up the car or establish a fuel fund where everyone deposits equal amounts upfront, which the driver can then use to fill up the car.

    3. Decide On Your Destination And Stops

    The awesome thing about road trips is the freedom to go where you want. It is a fun way to explore your country, but it is still a good idea to decide on your destination and stop-overs before you head out.

    Once you have a destination in mind, spend time on Google Maps to find the best way to get there and what to see along the way.

    Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding on your road trip destination:

    • How much time do you have to get there? This will determine how far you will be able to go.
    • Will the weather be warm or cold?
    • What is your budget?
    • What kind of experience do you want. Do you want to backpack and spend time outdoors or travel to a luxurious resort destination?

    4. Get The Right Transportation

    If you are going on a more extended trip, you will want a vehicle to get you there safely and comfortably. Preferably, you will want a car with plenty of cargo space, Bluetooth connectivity so you can stay entertained, an aircon and heater, and something fuel-efficient.

    Should your journey take you on dirt roads, you should consider getting a four-wheel-drive vehicle to make the long journey more comfortable.

    5. Prepare The Vehicle

    Before heading out on your adventure, you should make sure the vehicle is in a good condition.

    Firstly, the vehicle must be up to date on its services. Secondly, you should check the following to make sure the car is ready for the long drive:

    • Have a mechanic check the brake fluids, transmission fluids, and coolants. Top them off if required.
    • Check the wear on the tyres. Replace tyres that are worn down. You can also have the tyres rotated and aligned for a smooth drive.
    • Make sure the spare tyre is in good condition and that you have a car jack and wrench.
    • Check that the headlights, brake lights and indicators are all working.
    • Make sure the car battery does not discharge when the car is switched off.
    • Pack the following items for an emergency:
      • Jumper cables
      • Tyre repair kit
      • Reflective triangle to use in an emergency
      • Charged flashlight
      • Fire extinguisher
      • First aid kit with disinfectant, scissors, bandages and pain killers.
    • Keep these documents in the glove compartment of the car or on your person:
      • Driver’s license
      • Proof of insurance
      • Emergency contacts
      • Car’s manual and service booklet

    6. Spread The Responsibilities

    Don’t let the responsibility of planning the entire road trip fall on only one person. Divide the tasks and responsibilities between all the friends to ease the process and avoid arguments.

    How do you spread the responsibilities between a group of people? Simply give each person one crucial task.

    • Have someone research accommodation options along the route.
    • Appoint someone to research fun things along the route and at the destination.
    • The financial-savvy friend can keep track of the budget and expenses.
    • One person can be responsible for packing the car.
    • Someone can provide the onboard entertainment, such as coming up with fun road trip games, playing music, and providing snacks.

    Discuss each other’s findings frequently to make sure everyone is in agreement.

    7. Communicate Openly

    Your road trip with friends will quickly become a nightmare without proper communication. Before one person dominates the entirety of the road trip planning, make sure everyone agrees. This includes discussing the destination, where to stay, and other bookings and reservations.

    Road tripping is a team sport, and everyone should be able to speak their minds and have their opinions heard.

    8. Design A Well-Rounded Playlist

    You are probably going to want to play music on your drive.

    The best way to make the experience in the car fun is to design a playlist that will keep everyone happy. Ask everyone to contribute their favourite music to the playlist and mix in some classic songs to listen to on the road.

    You can also incorporate some podcasts and stories to make the time go by quicker.

    9. Get Healthy Road Trip Food

    You can save a lot of money on expensive takeout if you pack food for the drive.

    As you will be spending a lot of time sitting down, it is recommended that you pack healthy snacks for the road that will keep you full without making you feel heavy or sluggish.

    If you do not have a cooler or fridge in the vehicle, you will do best with non-perishable or dry snacks. Also, make sure always to have fresh water in the car.

    Here are some healthy food ideas for a road trip with friends:

    • Pretzels
    • Nuts, raisins and seeds
    • Popcorn
    • Citrus fruit
    • Bananas (although they don’t do well if left in a hot car for too long)
    • Yoghurt-based smoothies
    • Muffins
    • Crackers and peanut butter


    10. Stay Safe And Connected

    Staying safe is crucial when you are going on an extended road trip. That means you will also have to keep in contact with friends and family back home, so they are updated on your travels. You also want to be able to contact emergency services in a pinch.

    Here are some tips for staying connected while on the road:

    • Always charge your mobile devices and laptops so that you can call someone in a pinch.
    • Invest in a portable WiFi router. This will allow you to stay connected even if your phone does not have data.
    • Share your live location with loved ones when driving long distances so they can track where you are.
    • Notify people of your expected arrival time and tell them where you are staying.
    • Get a paper map so that you won’t get lost if anything happens to your phone or GPS device.

    Final Thoughts

    Planning a road trip with your closest friends means you get to make memories, enjoy fun activities, and bond for many hours each day.

    By following our road trip planning tips and tricks, you will have an enjoyable experience on your next road trip, and the planning part should go smoothly before you hit the open road.

  6. How to Keep Insurance Prices Down for Young Drivers

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    If you have just obtained your driving license and are eager to get on the road, consider a few things before packing all your friends and going on a road trip.

    Car insurance is mandatory in Great Britain, and if you have just started driving, you will require young drivers’ car insurance. Unfortunately, these are notorious for coming with incredibly high car insurance premiums and can be pretty daunting for a young driver.

    But there is hope; with a little time and resources spent, you can still get relatively cheap car insurance.

    This guide provides you with six helpful tips on how less experienced drivers can still manage to pay lower premiums and get cheaper car insurance despite insurance policies putting you as a new driver under extra scrutiny.

    Here’s how:

    1. Do Your Research

    Don’t just get car insurance quotes from one or two insurance providers; make sure you put in some time to find the best-rated insurance provider and get a fully comprehensive quote from all of them.

    Keeping your research up to date will also help you determine if cheaper options are available when your insurance is about to renew. Timing is everything in this case, as you also do not want to stress about a last-minute deal shortly before your insurance policy is running out.

    2. Are You The Only Driver?

    New drivers often fall victim to higher insurance premiums because they are the only ones driving the car. But there is a significant difference in whether you are the main driver of your vehicle or whether you have other drivers older than you, such as your parents set as additional drivers.

    A more experienced driver will lower insurance costs as their experience will be considered a positive influence and therefore lower their premiums on your young driver insurance.

    Additionally, if you are not the only driver looking to get insurance, an insurer might quote you a cheaper premium if you are asking for multi-car discounts. In general, car insurance rates very much depend on the number of insurance policies you are looking for.

    3. Be Safe

    While you cannot change your driving history, you certainly can influence your future as a young driver, and the best way to do so is by being a careful driver now. On top of that, taking advanced driving and road safety courses will increase your driving skills but also appeal to insurance companies.

    Another way to be safe is by taking care of your car’s whereabouts, especially at night. If you have your car parked in a secure and lockable area or garage, this will decrease the likelihood of theft and positively impact your premium.

    4. Adapt Your Vehicle

    The type of car you are driving also has a significant impact on what your insurance company might charge you. In some cases, it might be worth changing your vehicle before paying an unnecessary expensive car insurance premium.

    On top of that, there are several ways to adapt your car to lower your car insurance costs:

    Add anti-theft devices

    Speaking of theft risks, you might want to look into installing anti-theft devices such as an alarm system, a steering wheel lock or even a tracker. This will assist in obtaining cheaper car insurance.

    Consider black box insurance

    One of the major reasons why young drivers have such high insurance premiums is because insurance companies might not trust them and their driving skills enough. As you are not an experienced driver, they also have no experience with you as an insurance taker and don’t know how likely you will be making claims because of accidents.

    A way to combat these trust issues is by getting black box car insurance, also known as telematics insurance, and installing a device which monitors and records your driving habits so that insurance companies can access and analyse them. If they see you are a conservative and safe driver who doesn’t speed, your premium will not be as high.

    And, at the end of an insurance year throughout which you have been driving safely, you will be most likely receiving a no claims bonus!

    No unnecessary modifications

    That said, rather refrain from a modified car by adding subwoofers or pimped-up wheels.

    It might make your car look more attractive to you, but it will also make it more attractive to get stolen, or broken into. On top of that, any additions to your car that are deemed unnecessary, specifically when it comes to wheels or the aerodynamics of your vehicle, might change the way your car handles and therefore influence your driving.

    Insurances consider modified and pimped-up cars a higher risk and, therefore, will potentially charge you higher premiums.

    5. Consider Your Excess

    With every claim, there is an amount that you will have to pay yourself when it comes to repairing or replacing your vehicle.

    This amount can be set by yourself if you are willing to pay more (voluntary excess) or which is set as a minimum amount you will have to pay by the insurance (compulsory excess). The higher your excess, the lower will be the premiums you have to pay throughout the year.

    6. Is Permanent Insurance Necessary?

    As a new driver, you might only consider standard car insurance. However, there are plenty of third-party insurance options as well as flexible options out there to choose from, instead of paying consistently for insurance that you don’t even need all the time.

    You might be a low-mileage driver (less than 10,000 miles a year) and only use a car ever so often. In this case, it can work out way cheaper to obtain a pay-as-you-go insurance policy, which tracks your mileage and also how well you drive, similar to a black box.

    Another option if you know that you will only be driving a car for a certain period is to get completely temporary car insurance. This way, you can obtain insurance for a specific time frame, spanning from an hour to a month or longer, quick, easy and online via portals such as GoShorty. This option also comes as temporary learner driver insurance.

    Final Thoughts

    Young drivers are always at risk of being charged high premiums, and understandably so. Insurances consider risks, and not having the necessary experience can be a high-risk factor and, therefore, less attractive for companies to take on.

    However, there are a lot of tips and tricks to keep your car insurance cost comparatively low. After all, there are many more factors that insurers are considering than whether you are a younger driver or not.

    New drivers need to consider investing some time and energy into making their driving habits along with their vehicle a lesser risk to take on for insurers so that both parties can make some cost savings in the long run.

    Looking into alternatives such as temporary insurance options can be a cheaper way to go and save young drivers a lot of hassle and will make sure they are only covered when they need to be instead of spending money for something they won’t need daily.