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As a newly qualified driver, you’ll find that student car insurance annual premiums are eye-wateringly expensive. As a result it’s not always a feasible option to own a car at uni, but you are likely to know someone that does have one, for those times when the uni buses just won’t cut it.

Being able to share driving with friends will make life much easier. You don’t want to add multiple names to a policy though, as it doesn’t make sense for only a few months of the year.

The best car insurance for students provides enough coverage in the event of an accident, but doesn’t leave a dent in your wallet doing so.  One option you may not have considered is temporary student car insurance

This type of car insurance would suit you whether you wanted to do a big supermarket trip or the longer drive to see your parents, and you can get covered in as little as 90 seconds.

Why Temporary Insurance Is Best for Students Wanting to Drive

As a student you’ll have two main options if you want to drive

  • Own a car that won’t be used all the time.
  • Borrow a car when you need it.

When money is tight, owning a car could be considered a luxury. As well as insurance, you’ll need to cover the MOT, annual service, car tax and any parking permits – not to mention fuel. 

One solution is to borrow a car when necessary. This could be a flatmate’s car to do the weekly shop, your parents car when back at home, or a friend’s car for a week long road trip.

In these cases, temporary car insurance would give you cover for the time you need it, from 1 hour through to 28 days. 

With GoShorty, it’s also fully comprehensive, meaning that there’s increased peace of mind over a third party led insurance policy, and you’ll be instantly covered.

How Can Students Get Temporary Car Insurance?

Obtaining temporary car insurance with GoShorty is a quick and simple 4-stage process that can be done in less time than it takes to make a Pot Noodle. 

To get covered with GoShorty, you’ll need a full-driving licence (that you’ve had for at least 6 months) and permission from the owner of the car you’ll be insured on.

Then all we need to know is 

  • Your name.
  • Your address
  • The registration number of the car insuring 
  • Your driving licence details.
  • How long you want cover for.
  • When you want it to start. 

You’ll then get a quote, and once paid, you’ll be instantly covered from your chosen start date and able to drive. It will also protect any no-claims discount on the car that you’re insured on.

Whether you want to drive while at home for Christmas, share the driving on a summer holiday or just pop to Nan’s, temporary student car insurance is a quick and easy option to ensure that driving whilst you’re studying doesn’t leave you out of pocket. 

See how quickly you could get a quote, and start planning your next drive using temporary student insurance now.

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