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You can drive someone else’s car if you are insured too. It’s illegal to drive any car without being aptly insured so you must always ensure you have the correct cover in place before borrowing someone’s car, even in an emergency

Temporary insurance is one of the easiest ways to get insured on a car you’re borrowing, comprehensive insurance won’t always include DOC (drive other cars) cover so it’s always worth checking you have the right policy in place – don’t just assume. 

So, before getting behind the wheel of someone else’s car, always ensure you have cover in place, and the owner’s permission – otherwise you could land yourself in trouble…

Does Your Insurance Cover You to Drive Someone Else’s Car?

Don’t assume your insurance policy covers you for driving other cars. In the past, comprehensive insurance policies included Drive Other Cars (DOC) cover, but this type of insurance is less common these days so always check before assuming you can get behind the wheel of your friend’s car. If you have third-party insurance you definitely won’t be covered to drive someone else’s car. 

It’s also worth noting that due to DOC being intended for emergency use, you shouldn’t use this insurance to drive another car regularly. DOC is the lowest form of coverage, which doesn’t make it an ideal insurance type to drive a vehicle regularly with. If you want to borrow someone’s car for an extended period, there are better insurance options available…

What Insurance Do You Need to Borrow Someone Else’s Car?

The best insurance option for borrowing someone’s car is temporary car insurance. You can take it out for exactly how long you need it, the car owner’s no-claims bonus won’t be affected if you have a bump and it’s fully comprehensive.

Short-term insurance allows for hourly insurance, 24-hour insurance, and even weekly cover or monthly car insurance – for when you know you’ll be borrowing a car for a longer period. It’s the best way to quickly guarantee comprehensive cover whenever you need to drive someone else’s car.  

Another insurance option for borrowing a car is to be added as a named driver to the owner’s policy. This is really only worthwhile if you are sharing the car and will be using it regularly.  If you just need to borrow a car for a short time, temporary insurance will suffice.

Can My Partner Drive My Car?

Your partner can drive your car, with the correct insurance in place, just like anyone else.  Sadly, there are no shortcuts to insuring your partner on your vehicle. You would either have to add them as a named driver, or they will need temporary insurance to use your vehicle legally.

Can Young Drivers Get Insured On Other Cars?

Securing insurance on another vehicle for drivers under 25 can be tricky, due to insurance companies not having as much faith in young drivers. While they can get added as a named driver to another’s policy, this will raise the owner’s premium and leave their no-claims bonus at risk.

The easiest way for a young driver to get insured on another vehicle is temporary insurance. This flexible insurance protects all parties involved and is flexible around the driver’s needs.

 If the young driver in question is a learner, then they will need a special learner insurance policy to be able to borrow a car for practice sessions. We’ve explored the best ways to insure a learner, to help you make the best choice for you.

What If You Drive Another Car Uninsured?

Driving someone else’s car without the correct insurance has consequences. Doing this can land you with up to eight points on your licence, be a cause for a fine and result in the car being impounded! In extreme cases, you may go to court and end up with a driving ban. 

The owner of the vehicle may also be punished if they knowingly let you borrow their car without proper insurance. If an accident occurs with another uninsured driver, legal action can be taken to make the vehicle owner cover any damage or injury costs, as well as having to pay to repair their own vehicle. 

In conclusion, to borrow someone else’s car you need the correct insurance and the car owner’s permission. Temporary insurance provides drivers looking to borrow a vehicle with a quick, flexible option. Drivers can get insured on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis, with comprehensive cover that will protect the owner’s no claims bonus. It’s the perfect solution for the next time you are looking to borrow a car. 

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