Owning and maintaining a car seven days a week, all year round, can quickly become expensive.
If you don’t require your own vehicle to make the daily commute to work, it’s probably a bit unnecessary to have one, too.
Just because you don’t need one in the week shouldn’t mean you can’t have a car for the weekend though. You don’t need to sacrifice the freedom a car can give you at weekends, by not having your own most of the time.
With weekend car insurance you can borrow a car and go on whatever weekend adventure you desire, without the faff and cost of hiring one! Intrigued? We thought so…
What is Weekend Car Insurance?
Weekend car insurance is exactly what it says on the tin – car insurance to cover your driving for the weekend, with no annual tie-ins or lengthy processes to get it. Cover for the weekend is just a few clicks away with our temporary car insurance cover.

Car Insurance for the Weekend vs. Hiring a Car For the Weekend
The most common approach to securing a car for the weekend is typically to hire one. But here at GoShorty, we think you should consider borrowing from someone you know instead.
We’ve seen people using our temporary insurance to borrow a car increase by 25% over the weekend, compared to mid-week. Borrowing or sharing cars is an easy solution, saving a lot of time, hassle and cash – and it’s something we’re sure is going to become more and more normalised over time.
Hiring a car for the weekend typically costs upwards of £200, and requires you to drop off and pick up the vehicle at inconvenient locations. If you’re simply borrowing a car from friends or family for the weekend, or sharing someone’s car for a long weekend drive, you don’t need to mess around with car hire companies. Just purchase temporary car insurance, in minutes, for exactly how long you will need it for the course of your weekend adventure.
You can also use temporary insurance to split the driving on a long journey. Plus, you don’t need to burden the car owner with adding you to their policy, for what can be quite a high cost.
You can buy temporary car insurance for the duration of the journey yourself and with ease. So, you and the other drivers can split any driving up hassle free – rather than all paying out for expensive policies on a hire car.
This is easily the best way to split a long journey up, and 39% more people use temporary insurance specifically for ‘sharing a long journey’ on the weekend compared to midweek – and you can too! A weekend drive from Manchester to Brighton feels far more doable when you can share the load – it’s also ideal if you’re planning to follow your favourite sports team with your pals and don’t want to rely on the trains.

Weekend Van Insurance
At GoShorty, we often see a spike in demand for temporary van insurance at the weekend too.
The number of policies secured for the purposes of ‘moving house’ can rise by as much as 44% on Friday, Saturday and Sunday when compared with the other days in the week.
As vehicle sharing becomes more commonplace, those trips to IKEA that you would have otherwise put off suddenly become far more accessible. Knowing somebody who can lend you a van for a few hours is a real perk.
How To Get Car Insurance On The Weekend
Getting car insurance on the weekend is easy with GoShorty – there’s no need to speak to anyone on the phone, and you can secure your insurance on any day of the week, at any time.
With our quick and easy online form you can be insured and on your way in a matter of minutes. So, if it’s a spontaneous weekend trip you need insurance for, we’ve got you covered!
We’ve also seen a 39% increase in policies needed in an emergency on the weekend, compared to on weekdays. We ensure it’s easy and stress free to get the insurance you need, so you can respond to any emergency practically instantly, when you need to.
You will need to confirm you can still safely read a car registration plate number from at least 20m away.
You must be able to provide a legitimate form of identification. E.g a valid UK passport.
You must be able to provide your address for the past 3 years, along with proof of residence.
The current cost to renew your licence online is £14.00. If you renew via the Post Office, the fee is currently £21.50.

How Much is Weekend Car Insurance?
Depending on the car and who is looking to be insured, costs will vary, but temporary insurance will invariably be cheaper than hiring a car.
It’s also safer to purchase temporary insurance when borrowing a car, both to protect the owners’ no-claims bonus on their annual policy and to ensure you are fully insured!
The last thing you want is your weekend to be ruined by being caught out with the incorrect insurance policy.
Weekend insurance can be for as many days or as few as you need, so whether you are taking a long weekend break, or you just need to share a Sunday drive, our daily insurance provides the flexibility for the spontaneity you deserve.
You just need to find someone to borrow the car or van from, we’ll do the rest!