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Getting through your driving test in your very own car is possible, and easy to do thanks to our temporary learner driver insurance.

With booking a driving test these days feeling as difficult as securing front-row concert tickets to your favourite artist, and driving instructors juggling schedules like seasoned circus performers, it might feel like you’re having to get the stars to align just to swap out that learner’s licence for the real thing.

The prospect of taking your driving test in your own vehicle could be a game-changer for all learners out there. Bid farewell to the stresses of aligning schedules with busy instructors and embrace the freedom of acing your driving test in the comfort and familiarity of your own vehicle. Easy!

We’ve detailed this comprehensive guide to completing a driving test in your own – or somebody you know’s car – ensuring you’re fully covered and compliant with the DVLA’s specifications every step of the way.

You know all about  driving practice insurance, but ensuring you have the right driving test insurance is equally important. It’s the secret sauce that ensures your journey to driving success remains smooth and hassle-free. 

So if you finally get a test date but your instructor’s car isn’t available, don’t worry – with our driving test insurance you can go ahead with that gold-dust test date, by using your own car.

What Insurance is Needed for Taking Your Driving Test in Your Own Car?

Dreaming of cruising into your driving test in the comfort of your own car? Or perhaps a relative has helped you practise all this time and you would find it more comfortable to complete your test in the car you’re most used to. We get it, and we’ve got you covered!

Taking your driving test in a car of your choosing could be your golden ticket to that prized pass; but as with everything, there’s some rules to follow. 

Insurance for driving tests can be confusing, but here at GoShorty, we offer our support making sure you’re fully-equipped to tackle the test behind a trusted set of wheels. 

So, “What kind of insurance do I need to take my driving test?” we hear you ask. Our temporary learner driving insurance is of course the answer! Whether you’re 17 or 74 we’ll cover you, with a super low excess, and comprehensive cover. Our temporary learner insurance for a day is perfect for your test day, covering you for some practice beforehand, the actual test  and the victory drive back home!

What Criteria Your Car Needs to Meet to Be Used for a Driving Test 

If you don’t have a car but you’re looking at purchasing one as soon as you pass, this may be your sign to make that exciting milestone purchase prior to your test. It goes without saying that it helps to get plenty of practice in the car you plan on using on your driving test to give you the best chance of passing. And with our learner driver insurance, you can do just that – your dreams of freedom right at your fingertips!

Consider yourself a car novice? No worries, we’ve done the research for you and highlighted the best cars for new drivers. Equally, you can also check out what the most popular cars to learn to drive in are for inspiration.

Whether it is a new car, one you are borrowing or a car you have been practising in already, it needs to meet certain criteria in order for it to be test worthy. 

A few things to note, in order to take a test in your car, you’ll need to have the following:

  • No warning lights on the vehicle
  • No tyre damage, or space saving tyres
  • Be roadworthy
  • Have L-plates fitted
  • A working speedometer
  • Be clean and tidy, not smelling of smoke
  • Have an interior mirror fitted for the assessor

Unfortunately, if your car doesn’t meet the DVLA criteria, your assessor has the right to cancel your test, something you definitely want to avoid.

Why You Might Want to Take a Test in a Car That Isn’t Your Instructor’s

Let’s break down why you shouldn’t delay your test just because your instructor is unavailable.

Imagine the disappointment when trying to borrow your instructor’s car for a spontaneous test that’s just become available on a week’s notice, only to find their schedules swamped with other commitments. Having your own car could be the answer, allowing you to take a test at your convenience.

Taking your test in a private vehicle not only has the potential to save you headaches but also your wallet! Say goodbye to the additional costs associated with booking your instructor and their car for your test, and save those additional pennies for perhaps a set of wheels of your own?

Should you have a generous family member or friend who is kind enough to lend you their car whilst you earn your driving stripes, you will need to look at the costs of adding a learner driver to their insurance, you will find temporary learner insurance is the best option in that scenario.

The Benefits of Taking Your Test in Your Own Car

Taking your test in your own car offers a multitude of advantages. You’re already familiar with every aspect of your vehicle after all your driving practice, from the positioning of the mirrors to the precise way it handles corners, giving you that extra edge when manoeuvring those tricky turns and nail-biting parallel parks. 

You would have been practising in this car outside of lessons and the safety of your instructors dual controls – so you should be extra confident in your solo driving abilities in your own vehicle.

And as long as you have had enough lessons and practice and are ready, you will be fine to take your test in your own car, just make sure you are comfortable with all the controls.

Driving tests are always a nerve racking experience, but not being able to use your instructors shouldn’t be seen as a cause for more nerves!

In a nutshell, mastering your driving test in your own car is within easy reach, and with the right driving test insurance in hand, you can navigate this journey with confidence and ease. So, rev up your engines and get ready to conquer the roads with the assurance that GoShorty has your back, every step of the way. 

“Can I use my own car for a driving test?”. With GoShorty, the answer is always yes. Get a quote today!

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