Tag Archive: car sharing

  1. Festival Travel Made Easy With Short-Term Insurance

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    For many Brits, festival season is one of the highlights of summer – but festival travel, not so much. From boarding buses at the crack of dawn, relying on notoriously flaky friends to coordinate a convoluted and expensive train journey, or risking your sanity on other overcrowded, overhot public transport options – the travel is usually the only downside to a musical getaway. 

    Whether you’re looking to save money, avoid lugging a huge backpack around, or simply can no longer cope with a stressful journey, driving yourself directly to the festival is often the best option. If you don’t own a car, or feel anxious at the prospect of being behind the wheel for hours, we’d recommend investing in short-term car insurance. Our policies can be tailored to an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis, to suit your exact needs, and afford you the flexibility to arrive at your festival of choice in style.

    Why Driving is the Best Way to Travel to Festivals

    Travelling to festivals by car offers a range of benefits – especially when compared to other means of transport. Bring an entire wardrobe’s worth of festival looks with you, safe in the knowledge that you can store your belongings in a locked car, and get to your favourite act on time, looking fabulous. These are some of the perks of driving to a festival using temporary car insurance…

    Convenience and Flexibility

    When you drive to a festival using your own car (or a car you’ve borrowed and insured), you get to set your own schedule. From the time you set off, where you refuel, to when you take a snack break, travelling directly to a festival is much easier than adhering to the timetables of the coach and train services available. Of course, planning your own route allows for rather more fun pit stops than you’ll get on an 8 hour bus, too. 

    Keep in mind that unless you’re travelling down early, road services are likely to be busy – especially as you get closer to the festival site – so plan accordingly to make sure you don’t miss the headline act.

    The good news is, if you don’t have a car, but can convince a friend or family member to lend you theirs for the journey you can easily sort out cover for the festival duration, even if it’s last minute. Short-term insurance is incredibly easy to purchase, and taking out a policy can be completed in just minutes – giving you a great deal of flexibility in your festival travel.

    Comfort and Space

    Travelling in a car provides an extra layer of comfort to your festival experience. Carrying your camping gear, food supply, and glitter is no mean feat – and sprinting around train stations to navigate platform alterations with a bag the size of the West Holts Stage strapped to your back is rather less rock and roll than most of us aspire to.

     Exhausting yourself before you’ve so much as pitched your tent is no way to start the festivities. Instead, borrow a spacious car from your parents, friends or neighbours, and ensure that you and your fellow festival goers are comfortable from the get go. Whack on a road trip playlist to arrive feeling fresh and ready to enjoy the festival. Plus, if the driving gets particularly tiresome, you’ll be able to switch seats with a suitable passenger by purchasing them short-term cover – allowing you to take a break from the long drive, swapping out the designated driver as and when you need to, each of you fully covered.

    Saving Money

    Another bonus of sharing a car for your festival travel is how much money you can save – meaning you’ll have more money to spend on cider and falafel. Glastonbury 2024 cost £69 for a return coach ticket from London, and £104 from Manchester. In comparison, sharing a car with 3 friends*, travelling from London and Manchester, would cost approximately £16 and £18 respectively – including both fuel and insurance – meaning you’ll be able to splash more cash at the actual festival. For those who live furthest from the festival, car sharing is likely to be a popular travel option. The pricing of our car insurance is based on the same factors as traditional insurance, such as your age, car model and driving history, but as the coverage is short-term, it’s typically cheaper to take out a temporary car insurance policy than rely on other transport options, like trains.

    The Importance of Temporary Insurance

    If you’re planning to share the driving duties with friends, it’s crucial to have the right insurance in place. There are several reasons that short-term insurance is the ultimate solution for festival travel…


    Car sharing is not as simple as simply handing your friend the keys. You must be properly insured to legally drive someone else’s car, which our short-term insurance covers. Driving without insurance is illegal, and can result in hefty fines and penalties of up to £300 and 6 penalty points on your licence. Opting for short-term cover is a great way to quickly and easily protect yourself and the vehicle you’re borrowing from any mishaps on the road – and as we cover drivers from as little as one hour to 28 days, our policies provide the perfect amount of flexibility for festival travel.

    Peace of Mind

    Temporary insurance is the best way to drive with peace of mind on the roads – especially if you want to avoid complicated claims on the main driver’s policy. If someone is not feeling up to driving home from the festival or just needs a break to re-caffeinate, you’ll be able to insure another individual with ease – meaning you won’t get stuck in limbo on your way back.

    Financial Benefits

    With affordable cover available in less than 90 seconds, our short-term insurance presents a highly practical solution for festival-goers who’d prefer to spend their cash on merch, chips and pints, instead of transport.

    Borrowing a Better Car for the Journey

    Using short-term insurance can also enable you to temporarily upgrade your vehicle. Should you require a more suitable – or downright fancier – car for the festival, such as a vehicle with a higher MPG, more boot space, or aesthetic appeal – borrow one! Temporary insurance allows you to borrow a car from a friend, relative, or neighbour affordably and without hassle.

    Short-Term Insurance Makes Festival Travel Easier Than Ever

    Driving to a festival can’t be beaten for the convenience, comfort, and cost-efficiency it offers – especially when compared to the chaos of an over-packed train, or the coach only leaving at an ungodly hour. With our temporary insurance, you can ensure that everyone planning to drive the car is properly covered, so the festival road trip can be split accordingly. Make your festival travel easy with short-term cover and enjoy your journey. Do remember your car sharing etiquette, though – rid the car of mud and coffee cups to return it clean and in the same state you received it in. A full tank wouldn’t go amiss either.

    Temporary insurance from GoShorty means that festival travel has never been easier – so get covered and hit the road for the most memorable festival experience yet.

    *These figures are based on sharing a Ford Focus Estate with a miles per gallon (MPG) of 45 and petrol costing 148.80 per litre. Across a respective 137/208 miles petrol costs would come to £20.56 and £31.25. Meanwhile, a week’s worth of short-term insurance costs roughly £42.02 on average, so we’ve added these figures and divided them by four for the total amount.

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  2. Road Trips Made Easy With Temporary Car Insurance

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    Whether it’s a bank holiday or the school holidays, many drivers heading on a big family road trip might be wondering how to keep the young ones entertained throughout! 

    And, with 4 in 5 Brits planning to celebrate Easter in 2024, and the nation predicted to to spend over £2 million over the long weekend, being prepared is key. 2023 also witnessed around 6 million Brits taking a domestic holiday over the Easter break – so we expect there to be millions more families taking a trip this year! 

    Luckily, our experts know how to hold the perfect road trip. Whether you need advice regarding temporary car insurance for your road trip, or you need some tips to entertain, our team at GoShorty can do it all. 

    Our Founder and Managing Director, Andy Moody commented: “The holidays can be an expensive time to get away, with flight prices skyrocketing and train travel costing more as of March. This has led to one in ten parents taking their kids away during term time, with holidays 28% cheaper in these periods. Luckily, road trips present an easy, affordable go-to when it comes to a fun day out – and with GoShorty’s fast and flexible temporary insurance, you can easily share the load of driving!

    “With short-term policy cover available from as little as one hour, car-sharing is made easy, meaning everyone can enjoy the road trip – and no one is stuck as the designated driver. We’ve highlighted some of the UK’s best landmarks you can enjoy from the road – along with some places to stop by for food, to break up the ‘are we there yet’ questions and help you enjoy the school holidays to the fullest!” 

    Whether you’re in England, Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, there’s plenty to see and do on the UK’s roads this Easter – and it’s not just fun for the whole family, you can also take a road trip amongst friends! Don’t have a UK licence? Don’t worry, we’re also able to offer temporary insurance to drivers from overseas, subject to conditions.

    Securing Temporary Car Insurance For Your Road Trip

    Exhausted from the long drive and need a relative to stand in? Temporary car insurance is the perfect way to make your road trip as easy as possible! While some insurance policies cover you to drive another individual’s vehicle, Driving Other Car (DOC) cover is becoming less common in the UK – especially as it was originally only intended for use in emergency situations. In addition, sometimes DOC only includes third-party cover, meaning the vehicle in question won’t be covered for damage or your own injuries if the accident is your family.

    Plus, it can be time consuming reading the fine print of your policy – and remember, driving without insurance is illegal, with the minimum penalty a fixed fine of £300 and six to eight points on your licence. And, if the case goes as far as a court case, you could be hit with an unlimited fine and even disqualified from driving, meaning taking the risk is never worth it. 

    By investing in short-term or temporary car insurance, you can secure coverage in minutes, and drive safely in the knowledge that you and the family are protected – and save money.

    If you have any other questions, please visit our FAQs.

    Family Road Trip Essentials

    If you take an annual family road trip, it can be hard coming up with new ideas of things to do and see! This is all in addition to thinking of innovative ways to keep younger children entertained – and fed.

    Road Trip Car Games

    We’ve put together a short guide to some of our favourite car games to play, to keep spirits high on long road trips:

    • I Spy: This age-old classic involves one player saying “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…” meaning there is endless fun to be had. 
    • Licence Plate Game: Asking the kids to keep an eye out for different licence plates can be a fun way to teach them about regions in the UK, or to learn about international countries. 
    • Alphabet Game: Run through the alphabet and try to find something that corresponds with each letter, whether it’s a licence plate, signage, or more. 
    • Story Time: Take turns adding a sentence to a story – extra fun if you get someone to record this and can listen back later, even building it into a full tale!
    • Road Trip Bingo: Depending on where you’re going in the UK, you can customise this to include landmarks, notable attractions or sites that you’re likely to see, convincing the young ones to keep a keen eye out!

    We’ve put together a short guide to some of our favourite car games to play, to keep spirits high on long road trips:


    For those with older children, you might be aware of some of the ‘standard’ accessories that are worth bringing along for a family road trip. However, for newer parents, you might want to consider bringing along some of the following:

    • Portable chargers, especially if you’re using electronic devices to keep the kids entertained
    • First-Aid kits (silly accidents can happen anywhere!) 
    • Snacks 
    • Wet wipes and other cleaning tools (especially important for younger children!)
    • Water
    • Blankets
    • Bin bags for any rubbish
    • Travel potty

    Family Meals

    In addition to bringing snacks – an essential – you should always make sure to plan out service stations along your route. This is a great way to be prepared for any last-minute bathroom breaks, or a last-minute craving for a coffee or other food.

    In the below guide, we’ve highlighted some of the most affordable McDonalds in the country, using factors such as the cheapest Happy Meals to determine the prime pitstops. The company offers a whole range of food – whether you’re a meat eater, vegetarian, or vegan – meaning everyone should be happy. 

    Other popular chains that offer a complete range include KFC, Burger King and Costa, which can all be found at service stations across the UK. If in doubt, or with any particularly fussy children, always make sure to bring some homemade food!

    The UK’s Best Spots For Family Road Trips

    In the UK, we’re lucky to have a number of great roads (whether motorways or A-roads) that interlink the country, making access to beautiful and engaging landmarks easier than ever. These are moreover situated by a range of service stations that mean you never have to worry about the young ones not making the toilet, or anyone going hungry! 

    We’ve put together a guide to some of our favourite road trip destinations, as below. Road tripping around the UK for the perfect city (or country) break has never been easier! We’ve even pulled together some of the most famous UK landmarks, so selecting your destination is easier than ever.

    England’s Best Road Trip Landmarks

    Stonehenge is one of the best roadside landmarks in England, situated on the A303, attracting massive crowds during the Winter and Summer solstice seasons. The nearby Newbury Services (is home to one of the cheapest roadside McDonalds in the UK – making this an excellent spot for a cheap bite on the journey. 

    Somerset’s Cheddar Gorge is the largest in Britain, recognised as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, making for a scenic spot to check out on the road.

    Lake Windermere, in the Lake District, is the largest lake in England! Providing spectacular views, it is also located nearby several key hiking destinations, including Wray Castle and Claife Heights. The nearby Blackburn with Darwen Services on the M65 is home to the 8th cheapest roadside McDonalds, making it an ideal stop for a happy meal on your road trip.

    Wales’ Best Road Trip Landmarks

    The highest mountain in Wales, Snowdon, towers above the breathtaking Snowdonia National Park. A lovely spot to drive through, or if you’re brave, to climb up! If you’re coming from the North of England, Hazel Grove’s services are home to the UK’s 6th  cheapest roadside McDonalds, so could make for a nice pit stop to fuel up before a hike! 

    For history lovers, Cardiff Castle on the A4161 and Conwy Castle on the A457 attract plenty of visitors, with each of them receiving 33,100 monthly Google searches! These historical structures are not only beautiful, but you could also trick the kids into learning a thing or two!

    Scotland’s Best Road Trip Landmarks

    Edinburgh Castle is another historical structure you need to visit if in Scotland, and with 135,000 monthly searches, the UK is similarly thrilled with that sentiment. Sitting atop Castle Rock, the Castle allows for a great view of the surrounding city. Situated close by Edinburgh is Bankhead Services, home to another one of the UK’s cheapest roadside McDonalds. 

    The largest equine sculptures in the world, the Kelpies in Falkirk stand over 100ft tall, making them a Scottish landmark that should not be missed! Falkirk is near both Bankhead (off the A92)  and Belshill (off the A725) services. Both sites offer affordable McDonald’s options, so appetites can be tempered with some nuggets. 

    Keep the kids entertained at Loch Ness! There’s no guarantee you’ll spot a monster in the water, but it’s a beautiful destination that’ll no doubt keep their attention as they try to spot Nessie as you drive along the A82 trunk road that’ll provide some great views of the loch!

    Northern Ireland’s Best Road Trip Landmarks

    The Giant’s Causeway is an unmissable natural landmark in Northern Ireland that you can see along the B147 Causeway Road. Stretching 33 miles along the coastline, this Unesco World Heritage Site is one of the world’s natural wonders worth witnessing.

    The Mourne Mountains are a unique sight to behold, driving through this area will allow you to admire three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Getting on the Mourne Coastal Route, you’ll be treated to some of the best views in all of Ireland, the granite mountain range will leave you wanting to come back for more!

    The Dark Hedges, known from Game of Thrones, are in Ballymoney, Northern Ireland. An easy-to-reach destination, a nearby car park lets you explore this spooky formation of trees on foot. 

    GoShorty’s temporary insurance policies can be purchased in just minutes – which is perfect for impatient children and overtired parents wishing to swap out who’s behind the wheel. 

    Our policies moreover make it easier than ever to have flexibility – one of the key components of a family road trip, which might never go 100% to plan! You can get a quote online today. 

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  3. Where is Car Sharing Most Popular?

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    In a day and age that’s often defined by transportation, people’s desire to explore different corners of the world has never been higher. But with mounting environmental concerns amidst a cost-of-living crisis, car sharing has emerged as a beacon of hope for many individuals seeking flexibility and sustainability with their travels. 

    What is car sharing? Put simply, it’s the act of sharing a car journey with a companion, or sharing the use of a car, something that our temporary car insurance and temporary van insurance are perfect for. 

    Our data shows that the practice of car sharing is gaining significant popularity across many regions in the UK. With the benefit of community and connection, carpooling is helping people get around the many obstacles of transportation in our day-to-day lives. Whether you’re looking to navigate the daily commute, embarking on cross country trips to visit family or perhaps planning a staycation with friends – muddling in together not only cuts petrol costs, but keeps the driver company on long journeys too. 

    So, let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind the growing popularity of car sharing and explore the benefits of temporary insurance in helping you do it with ease – including how it could save you hundreds of pounds over the course of a year!

    Our internal analysis reveals that certain regions in the UK exhibit a far higher use of car sharing compared to others. South East England, comprising 15% of the overall car-sharing total, has emerged as the country’s primary hub for joint transportation. 

    Following closely behind is the North West region, securing the second position with 12%, while East Anglia claimed third spot with 11%. The data suggests a far larger use of car-sharing practices across these areas, reflecting the communities’ increasing reliance on collective driving to address the challenges of transportation in 2023.

    Why People Might Car Share

    It is unsurprising that these areas are renowned for their collective sense of community, especially the North West. With some pretty epic road trips in all three of the leading regions – who can blame them? 

    Road tripping around the UK can offer some of the best bang for your buck when it comes to booking that well-deserved break from your 9-5, so be sure to consider a staycation or two (especially if you have a car full of friends attending!). 

    But car sharing isn’t always for exciting road trips, many might find themselves needing to car share due to not being able to rely on public transport. There are many uses for car sharing, and also many reasons why it is becoming a necessity across the country…

    When People Might Car Share

    • Commuting to work
    • Road trips with friends
    • Airport runs
    • Entertainment events
    • Living with a partner, friends or family

    Why People Might Car Share

    • Less congestion
    • Save money/ split the cost
    • Reduce emissions
    • Sociable benefits
    • Low mileage driver
    • Lack of parking
    • Unreliable public transport

    New to Car Sharing?

    Have you always thought running a car by yourself was a tad expensive? Certainly, it’s popped into all of our minds how handy it would be to split the financial burden of a vehicle. It often feels like the very month when you can least afford your car breaking down and incurring hefty expenses is precisely the month when the head gasket decides to fail or the clutch gives out, leaving you with no alternatives.

    If you have a close friend, or you live with family or hey, even if you get on really well with your neighbour – as long as you have someone you trust nearby, perhaps you can explore the opportunity to car share with someone. If you’ve never looked into sharing a vehicle before, it can feel a little tense, a car can often feel like part of the family but fortunately for you, we’ve compiled a complete guide on car share etiquette covering how and who to ask, the do’s and don’ts, as well as some additional benefits!

    Why Temporary Insurance is Great for Car Sharing

    If you’re a low mileage driver and you live with family or friends, perhaps you share a car? Temporary car insurance could be perfect for your driving needs. You may be unaware that it could actually be costing you to have a listed driver under your policy.

    Many people overlook the fact that adding an additional driver to your insurance policy can frequently lead to an increase in premiums. In the UK, a significant number of drivers have noticed this trend and have embraced vehicle sharing with temporary car insurance, which has seen a remarkable 72% year-on-year growth! This demonstrates that more drivers are opting to share their cars with loved ones or friends instead of solely relying on their own vehicles.

    With car swapping and sharing at an all-time high, you might be wondering about the technicalities of insurance. You fancy taking your friend’s wheels for a spin, but are you insured? The answer is, not always, so be sure to get cover, if you’re only borrowing a car for a short time you can even get hourly insurance.

    Why Car Sharing is So Easy with GoShorty

    As the demand for UK car sharing continues to increase, we are here to enable seamless policies so you can pick up and put down insurance exactly when you need to use it, while avoiding upsetting your bank account too.

    You can find a comprehensive range of temporary insurance options tailored to meet the diverse needs for car sharing. We want to empower drivers with a hassle-free and efficient application process, ensuring you can embark on a shared journey with total confidence and peace of mind.

    We are able to provide a quote on a short-term policy within 90 seconds (impressive, huh?), so you can arrange hassle-free insurance online, wherever you may be. Get a quote today, to try car sharing for yourself! 

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  4. Designated Driver Insurance

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    Have you ever found yourself in the role of designated driver after a night out? It’s an unsung hero’s duty to ensure everyone gets home safely after a good time. As the responsible (and sober!) one behind the wheel, your friends rely on you to be the saviour of the night – and whether you’re a student looking for temporary insurance or an under 21, we can get you home legally through our policies.

    We understand the importance of being a designated driver, that’s why we’ve made getting a policy as quick, easy and pain-free as possible. Ideal for saving the day when innocent lunch dates escalate into spontaneous evening drinks, our temporary car insurance steps up, so you and your pals can enjoy the night without breaking the law.

    At GoShorty, we’ve seen a lot of motorists take out short-term cover late at night or even in the early hours of the morning, as they do their friends a favour and drive them home in their vehicle. Drink-driving offences tend to increase in the lead up to Christmas and while we’re happy to see sober motorists doing the responsible thing on behalf of their pals, you MUST ensure you are legally insured to drive a car that you don’t own. That’s where we come in! 

    How Easy it is to Get Designated Driver Insurance

    The easiest way to get designated driver insurance is to take out one of our temporary car insurance policies on the car you need to drive everyone home in, you will be ensuring you are properly covered, even protecting the owner’s no claims discount.

    You can get covered with us in under two minutes, 24 hours a day, every day, all year long. So, even if you are only doing a 10 minute drive at 1am, you can do it safely and legally with us. Our hourly insurance is perfect for your designated driver duties. There is no being on hold trying to secure cover, our quick and easy online quoting process means you can secure your policy and have it straight in your inbox in no time at all.

     What Do We Mean by a ‘Designated Driver’?

    What is a designated driver? Put simply, a designated driver is a member of your team who has either volunteered themselves or been volunteered by the rest to drive everybody to and/or from your chosen destination. With the promise to stay sober all night and get everyone home safely (including the car, and owner of said car!) being a designated driver is like being the unsung hero of your group. No need for capes here though, just a simple oath to stay sensible and focus on getting everybody home in one piece. 

    But being a designated driver is more than just driving – it’s about being responsible, having each other’s backs, and genuinely caring about everyone’s safety. It saves you and your group from expensive taxis and ensures the safety of everyone on the roads, by committing to no drink driving at all.

    How Much Does Designated Driver Insurance Cost?

    Most designated driver policies will only be required for around an hour, which you can get from as low as £16.98, far cheaper than your average late night taxi ride. 

    As with all insurance policies the exact cost is determined by the specific information you provide during the quoting process. But to get an estimate you can use our temporary car insurance calculator.

    The Importance of Having a Designated Driver

    Nine times out of 10, a night out often involves more than just a drink or two. It’s practically British culture, a social ritual. And in the midst of the festivities, having a designated driver is like having a guardian angel for your journey home. They skip the drinks, stay sharp, and stay fit to get behind the wheel when you’re all partied out.

    But why does it matter so much? Well, apart from avoiding the headache of having your Uber cancel as the sun comes up and the birds start chirping, and definitely avoiding getting behind the wheel whilst intoxicated, you’re keeping the roads safe – especially when they’re at their most dangerous, as day turns into night. When you get behind the wheel after drinking, not only are you putting your own and your group’s lives in danger, but also everybody else’s on the road. The designated driver’s responsibilities are to stay in a legal and safe state to drive, in turn avoiding lengthy driving bans and even the possibility of jail if caught intoxicated behind the wheel.

    And remember, being the designated driver isn’t all bad! You get a cheap night out, if you can persuade your friends to pay you back, maybe even a free night out the next time you hit the bars, and no hangover the next day! It’s a win-win.

    Who our Designated Driver Insurance Covers

    For full details on our insurance criteria, see our who we cover page. Some key factors to consider to check you can get one of our temporary insurance policies are –

    The Vehicle:

    • Cars and Commercial Vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes)
    • Minimum value Cars and Vans: £1* subject to age restrictions
    • Maximum value Cars: £65,000
    • Is not imported or left-hand drive and not modified (factory fitted extras or modifications for a disabled driver or passenger, or LPG conversions are acceptable).
    • Has no more than 7 seats and is not a rental or hire vehicle (if commercial – no more than 5 seats)
    • Must not be modified. LPG conversions and Disabled Modified are acceptable
    • Have a valid MOT (if required), is NOT declared as SORN (off-road) with DVLA and has NOT been seized by the police.
    • Not to be used for impounded or seized vehicles (unless specified as impounded cover)

    The Driver:

    • Private Car – driver aged 18 to 75
    • Has a current permanent address as stated throughout this application (please note you may be asked to provide proof of residence in the event of a claim)
    • Has not ever been refused insurance, had a policy cancelled or voided
    • No driving ban in the last 60 months

    Why GoShorty for Designated Driver Cover

    We understand that the need for a designated driver can arise at any given hour, especially when the night is still young. That’s why our temporary car insurance is designed for your convenience. With us, you can purchase a policy quickly and efficiently, receive a quote in as little as 90 seconds, and get on the roads! No need to stress about navigating complex insurance processes or holding the line for 45 minutes when you’re doing a favour for your friends – we’ve simplified the process to ensure you can hit the roads with confidence and find the right coverage with ease. 

    And if you are worried about insurance showing up on the MID (Motor Insurance Database), then be rest assured that we update the MID twice a day, every day. So, you are likely to avoid any MID issues. Plus all your necessary insurance documentation is always emailed straight over to you, so if you were to get pulled over – you will have the docs to prove you have taken out cover. 

    Designated driver insurance isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity when you’re committed to ensuring the safety of your friends and loved ones. Driving someone else’s car, even for a short distance, requires proper insurance cover. Our policies are fast, affordable and can be fixed for as little as an hour or as long as a day – covering all your needs. 

    Our policies provide customers with comprehensive coverage, meaning you’ll have maximum security when you’re out on the roads. So next time you are on a night out, think about how you’re getting home beforehand and if you are using a designated driver, ensure they have proper cover with our temporary car insurance, the perfect option for designated driver insurance. Get a quote today.

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  5. Is car sharing right for me?

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    Car ownership is becoming increasingly expensive, which has resulted in fewer cars being bought. A knock-on effect of this is an increase in the popularity of car-sharing and a lot more car-sharing companies being established.

    In this article, we will look more at car sharing and how it works. Plus the types of car-sharing services available.

    What is Car Sharing?

    Car sharing – also called a car club in the UK – is a type of car rental service where people rent cars for only a few hours at a time. It differs from traditional car rentals, as oftentimes, the cars are owned privately, while the car-sharing company is a separate entity. It is similar to Airbnb, but with cars and not accommodation.

    Car sharing allows those with a valid driver’s license to access different vehicle brands and use them for short periods of time. These car clubs often depend on smartphone applications which allow users to find cars, meet up with the car’s owner, and exchange the keys.

    Car owners must ensure they have the right vehicle insurance before getting involved with car-sharing services. Some types of insurance to consider include:

    Difference Between a Car Rental Company and a Car-Sharing Service

    Although car-sharing is a car rental service, it differs in several ways.

    • Car sharing allows you to rent a car for only a few hours at a time, and you pay for the time you had the car as well as how many miles you have driven.
    • Car sharing allows you to access a car at any time of the day – not only during company business hours.
    • You will probably save more money when using a car-sharing service than when compared to a traditional car rental company.

    How Does Car Sharing Work?

    Car sharing is a straightforward process.

    Firstly, you must find out if car-sharing services are available in your city. You can do this through a quick online search. You can join a car service application from your phone or a website offering this service.

    Once you have signed up and registered, you will be able to find and reserve your preferred car. Most services offer a membership card which can be used to unlock the preferred vehicle.

    Most cars offered through these services are located at parking spot pick-up points throughout the city. You will be able to locate the car through the app. Once you arrive at the location, you simply wave your membership card to unlock the vehicle.

    When you are done with the car, you return it to the same parking spot.

    Different Types of Car Sharing

    There are five models that car-sharing companies generally use:

    1) Round-trip car sharing

    Drivers begin and end their trip at the same place and leave the car in the same parking spot where they found it. This model requires drivers to pay by the hour, mile, or both.

    2) One-way car sharing

    This allows drivers to begin their trip at one place and end at another by leaving the car at a designated parking location.

    3) Corporate car sharing

    This enables the company to share vehicles between employees who require a vehicle that day. One corporate shared car can replace eight non-shared cars.

    4) Peer-to-peer car sharing

    This refers to personal car sharing, where the cars are privately owned, but the leasing system runs through a third-party car-sharing company.

    5) Fractional ownership

    Fractional car ownership allows multiple people to co-own a car, sharing costs, maintenance and use. This is a handy model in areas with plenty of public transportation, where cars are not a necessity.

    The Pros and Cons of Car Sharing

    Car sharing pros

    There are plenty of benefits to joining a car-sharing company.

    1) Affordable

    Car ownership is expensive, so joining a car-sharing service will help you save money on maintenance and insurance. Car sharing is a cost-effective solution to renting different car models as and when needed.

    Membership fees for these services are often very low, making it an affordable alternative to car rental or ownership.

    2) Environmentally-friendly

    Getting involved with car-sharing will reduce your carbon footprint and emissions significantly. If more people sign up for car-sharing services, there will be fewer vehicles on the road, less traffic, fewer parking spots, more green areas, and a reduction in harmful greenhouse gases.

    3) Stress-free

    City dwellers can attest to the stress of owning a car in a bustling neighbourhood. There are limited parking spaces, and often you have to either pay a lot for prime parking or walk far to get to your car (a real hassle if you are carrying anything or have children).

    Car-sharing takes away the stress of owning a vehicle. You can simply book a car, drive at short notice, and select the perfect car to suit your needs.

    You can find a car with more cargo space for your weekend away, a small compact car to quickly zip between boroughs or a night on the town.

    4) Freedom to explore

    Members of a car-sharing service will have the option to drive where they want when they want. People in densely populated areas that depend on public transport often have to plan trips around transportation timetables and routes. Having a car for a few hours or days will allow you to explore different areas at times that suit you the best.

    Car sharing cons

    Despite all the benefits of car sharing, there are some drawbacks.

    1) Surge in prices at peak hours

    During rush hours there will be increased prices, as more people want a car during those times. If the demand is higher, so is the cost.

    2) Not finding the car you want

    If car-sharing is still new to your city, you may not want to find the right car as it will be in demand or is not yet available to rent.

    3) Limits on your milage

    Some car-sharing companies cap how far you can drive, making it less ideal for longer getaways. You will have to consider a conventional rental company if that is the case.


    How do ride-sharing and car-sharing compare?

    Ride-sharing services, like Bolt, Uber or Lift, use pre-approved drivers to transport passengers to their desired destinations.

    Car sharing allows drivers to rent a privately owned car and drive it themselves.

    What insurance should I get if I want to do car sharing?

    According to the Association of British Insurers, car-sharing will not affect the car insurance of members, as long as there is no profit.

    It is best to check with your insurance company to make sure your personal policy will cover car sharing.

    Is car sharing more environmentally friendly than owning a car?

    Car sharing is definitely more environmentally-friendly than owning a car. A shared car will replace between six to 20 cars on the road, significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

    Several car models are also available for car sharing, including hybrid and electric vehicles, which are much more efficient and green than petrol or diesel vehicles. Car-sharing vehicles are mostly newer cars with clean, green technologies. These cars tend to have excellent fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

    If you own a car, you will drive it for convenience, and since you paid for it already, you won’t give it a second thought.

    Car sharing forces people to reconsider their need for driving, especially when it comes to driving short distances or taking individual trips. If you have a car, you are bound to quickly pop into the car and head to the shops without a second thought.

    If you are a member of a car-sharing company, you probably will reconsider the short drive – perhaps you can walk, cycle or take public transport. Driving less means fewer greenhouse gases are emitted.

    Final Thoughts

    Due to urbanisation, more and more people are moving to the city in search of work opportunities and security. Large cities mostly have public transport systems in place, and developed nations are moving towards improving the walkability and cyclability of cities by introducing dedicated walking or cycling lanes.

    On top of all this is the increase in the popularity of car sharing. When no public transport is available, car-sharing offers an excellent alternative to costly car ownership or even traditional car rental.

    It is without a doubt that car-sharing services are here to stay, especially in large cities where many people only require cars for a few hours or days at a time.